Sunday 19 October 2008

Is the Nintendo Wii Console the Best Family Oriented Console Available?

One of the most successful platforms of all time, the Nintendo Wii console is most likely the best family-oriented console available today. When you purchase a Wii console, there are a range of options to choose from so that you can choose the package that suits your particular household the best. The basic pack comes with the Wii Remote and Wii Sports, which features five distinct games for you to enjoy. Other packages may include one or more of the many different controllers available for the Wii as well as other games to suit your taste.

The Wii takes a rather unique approach to the way in which it is used which goes some way to explaining its huge success. With the easy-to-use Wii Menu which resembles TV channels, you can easily navigate with the wireless controller by simply pointing at the screen. The Wii Menu includes the Wii Mii Channel, the Wii Shop where you can purchase additional channels for your Wii console through WiiWare, and much more.

The Wii console is also backwards compatible with the Nintendo GameCube, meaning that you can plug in your old GameCube controller and memory cards and play those games on it too. You can connect the GameBoy Advance to it as well. If you have a Nintendo DS, the Wii console can communicate with it over its built-in wireless networking capabilities. This allows you to use the DS as a controller in games such as Pokemon Battle Revolution, and the Wii can enhance or expand other DS games too. Despite the popular believe that the Wii console is suitable only for children, there is now a huge collection of games available for the whole family to enjoy. - for the best Nintendo Wii prices in the UK.

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